Friday, June 11, 2010

What will our kids do in the summer?


That is my first post here, our kids, 7 years old girl and 10 years old boy are about to go to the summer vacation soon.
We thought about reserving places in the summer camp for them, but due the the high price of the camps and the fast that all 4 of us will be on vacation too, we decided to give up on that and thought about having some nice family time.
I guess we would spend a lot of time in the pool, it is very hot and there is nothing like cold water and swimming to feel better in that hot weather.
I guess that they will watch TV and play some computer games,
I'm pretty sure that my son will spend a lot of time playing some cool Ben10 games or some really nice shooting games.
My daughter would probably play with her friends and doll.
She has some many of them, Bratz, Barbie, Sue, you name it, she has it :-)
I guess she would spend some time in front of the computer too, playing girl games online.
Besides that, we will go to a week in a nice hotel outside the city.
I really hope we will have some good time, we really need it.

You can read my games blog here